Tuesday, August 16, 2011

You and I , we have a job to do.

Yes, we need to put our heads together and sort out the mass media litter from what is really happening, and what is really true.

It appears we will no longer hear the real truth from Washington, the cable news networks, and the extreme bias on most political web sites, emails, and radio shows.

They have clearly lost their way, and before serious public repercussions occur, we had better take careful consideration of our part in all this malaise.

We need to rediscover our own ability to discern what is truly happening, how it will affect us, and what to do about it.

With the Social Media sites available to all of us now, we can make ourselves heard. We have a responsibility to step in and make a difference.

I hope to give you insights into the other side of the news we are fed from Congress, the media, and radio talk show hosts.

Stay tuned and join in the discussion.

Patricia Moloney Dugas, Societal Tamperer
@artrician on Twitter